I spotted a mother kangaroo and joey while walking in Churchill NP, unfortunately I didn't excel with the camera, the rest all had camera shake as I was using a zoom at too slow a shutter speed. My excuse is that I was not using my heavy camera but the light one which I don't use as often, an oversight from not enough use.
My intention was to capture something as a memorial to those who lost their lives 1 year ago in the bush fires just out of my home city of Melbourne. This park was partially burnt in a separate fire a few weeks before that day. I did take a few shots of burnt trees, but what stands out more is life goes on. 173 people suffered horrific deaths, I was at my parents home that day, my father is a Country Fire Authority Volunteer, they live in a fire prone area, the whole state was on alert, we listened to the scanner, it was all consuming. I don't think a day has gone by in the past year without at least one story in the Melbourne daily's. The victims, the survivors, the "if's" "buts" and "maybes" the blame game between the different authorities, The Royal Commision...
The day was a freak, extreme heat, the air was sucked of all its moisture, the north wind, nothing was going to stop those fires from their path of destruction.
The numbers of native animals killed or injured is too hard to think about.
Australians are connected to the land, I don't know what it is, it is a special place, unique, inspiring and harsh.